"THIS" Just hit the fan!

Now What?

The "Now What Workshop" is here to help you take back control of your life!

The "Now What Workshop," with Nina Sossamon-Pogue, is an online course designed to help you navigate life's unexpected challenges. It offers practical tools and strategies for adjusting to change, building mental strength, bouncing back from setbacks, and approaching life's next steps with confidence. Delivered through online  programing and direct feedback, this workshop equips you to confidently tackle your "Now What?" moments—not just now, but for the future!

Get Started Now!

How the "Now What Workshop" Works!

Clarity & Perspective Toolkit

Let’s face it, THIS situation you’re going through seriously sucks! THIS was not part of the plan. You will have tools to analyze the situation and gain a useful perspective on what you are facing, so you’ll have the best chance at keeping THIS situation from defining the rest of your life! You’ll get these principles and implementation strategies within the ”Now What Workshop” training. 

THIS Framework: to Navigate Change

Mindset is not the only component to getting through a life-changing event. You’ll need tangible strategies that will help you navigate the daily do’s, don’t, and choices to move through your situation. From how to have conversations about the situation (or not) to discovering your path forward, the “Now What Workshop” will help navigate your suckiest situations.

BONUS: Uncensored copy of “THIS Is Not The End” by Nina.

What you’re going through is difficult and raw. You don’t need a thick workbook or to read someone else's story. In the “Now What Workshop” you’ll get the raw untamed version of the book Nina wrote and wishes she had had when she felt out of options.This is the early version before her publishers had her “tone down the language!” You deserve to be met and seen at the level that you’re experiencing THIS awful situation of yours. Nina pulls back the curtain of her darkest moments in this uncensored version of her #1 Amazon Bestselling book “THIS Is Not The End.” Learn how she was able to keep her lowest moments from defining the rest of her life, both in her book and in the “Now What Workshop!”

Get Started Now!

Only Available While Enrollment Period is Open!

I don't know how long we will be offering this online course. But, great news! If you're seeing this page, that means there is still a spot open for you to enroll in the "Now What Workshop!"

If you're looking to confidently tackle your "Now What?" moment, don't miss out on the "Now What Workshop." Act Now!

Enroll Now!